Our Package


$450 + Food Cost

A hot dinner for the evening, two additional dinners to cook fresh during the week, and two crock pot meals that can be frozen and used as needed. 


$350 + Food Cost

Our most popular choice!

A delicious dinner for the evening, plus two more dinners for the upcoming nights.


$250 + Food Cost

One meal for the evening and two convenient crock pot dinners for later use, which can be kept fresh or frozen.



$150 + Food Cost

Six crock pot dinners that can be frozen and reheated whenever you need them.

Sample Menu

        Southwest Heat

Chicken enchilada skillet

One dish meal! Chicken enchiladas slow cooked in the oven until bubbly

Southwest Salad

Radish, green apple, and avocado in a cumin dressing

Strawberry jalapeño salad

In season strawberries with a jalapeño simple syrup and diced fresh jalapeños

Fire Up the Grill

Grilled chicken thighs with sumac and pickled onions

Marinated chicken thighs in sumac and lemon served with a side of house made pickled onions and grilled lemons

Vegetable kabobs

Marinated vegetables in garlic, lemon, and parsley ready for the grill

Cucumber salad

Fresh diced cucumber with chickpeas in a lemon dressing

Pita with tzatziki

House made tzatziki served with fresh pita